What does it mean?
You can see all your tours’ departures and availability in an easy way, displayed together in the same place on the calendar.
It’s a very useful tool to manage your departures and the capacity of your tours.
The departures are sorted by date and time on the calendar that can be displayed by day, week, month or in a list.
In addition to that, the departures are colour-coded based on their availability, and can be filtered via the following checkboxes:
It makes the calendar a visual heatmap and lets you know the global status of your operation at a glance.
Where can I find it?
What should I do?
An important function of the calendar is the ability to manage your departures and take actions directly on the same page.
Create bookings
You can create bookings easily by clicking on the departure and then on the “Create booking” button. And the system will redirect you to the “New booking” screen.
Manually close or open the departure
You can manually close or open a certain departure by clicking on the corresponding departure and then on “close” or “reopen”.
Close a departure:
Reopen a departure:
Add / block spaces
You can add more spaces or block them based on the current availability displayed on the calendar. For that, you need to click on the corresponding departure and then click on the edit icon and add or block spaces as needed.
Go to the manifest
You can directly go to the manifest to check your passenger list by clicking on the departure and then on “Go manifest”. The system will redirect you to the “Manifest” screen.
Manage your departures
You can also go to the classic departures view to manage them by clicking on the corresponding departure and then on “Manage departure” and the system will redirect you to the classic “DATES & PRICES” tab of the tour.