TourCMS Release Notes - May 2023

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated
  • Improved searching of Tours in TourCMS the back office 

TourCMS has a Unique ID often used for mapping to OTAs, e.g. Testoperator (4069) Tour 1 the Unique ID is TE_4069_1. It is now possible to search for tours using this distribution ID in the operator account tour pages. Increasingly also operators have their supplier or subsystem Tour IDs in “Supplier Tour Code” box in TourCMS. The tour pages in the back office also now search against this field. For more information about Suppliers, you can visit our article here

  • New email tokens for customers' age

There are a pair of new tokens to print information about your customer's age (%primary_contact_name_with_age%  and %other_tour_members_list_with_age%). They can be used on your email templates. For more information, please visit our support article here.

  • New "Show Markup scheme" endpoint

New API endpoint for Tour Operators use only. It returns full information about the specific Markup Scheme set for an account channel. For more information, please visit our API documentation here.