WP White Label template - Media Library

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

Where can I find it?

SIDE PANEL > Media > Library



What does it mean?

The Media Library section is where you can upload, manage, and organise all media files used on your website, such as images, videos, and documents. It allows you to easily insert media into posts and pages, edit file details, and reuse media across your site. This section helps keep your files organised and accessible for use in your content.


What should I do?

To upload images, go to Media > Library and click on the “Add New Media File” button. You can select the files from your computer or drop them here.


It's important to give all your images descriptive names for two key reasons:

1. SEO Benefits: Search engines rely on image names to understand their content. Descriptive, keyword-rich filenames improve your site's search engine optimisation (SEO), making it more likely for your images and pages to appear in search results.

2. Content Management: Properly named images make it easier to find and reuse them in the future. Rather than scrolling through countless files, you can quickly search by specific image names, saving time and ensuring efficient content management.

For example:



If an image has been attached to a page, you can find its link in the 'Uploaded to' column. If you come across images that have been uploaded without a clear purpose, it’s a good idea to tidy up this section from time to time.
