WP White Label template - Tours pages

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

Where can I find it?




What does it mean?

The tour pages are automatically imported from TourCMS, so no changes are needed on these pages here. If you wish to edit any descriptions or other fields, this can be done from the backend.


What should I do?

Once per day, all tours are automatically synced from TourCMS. This task updates any new tours, removes tours (if not present in TourCMS), and updates data in existing tours, including content and media.

The user has the option to update tours manually, outside of the standard sync interval as follows:


Update all tours manually

1. Go to SIDE PANEL> SETTINGS> Wp Sightseeing Plugin

2. Click on the Sync Tours button



Update individual tours manually


2. Search for the tour to be updated and click on the edit button.

3. On the edit page, in the right section under ‘publish’, click the ‘update’ button.



However, for SEO, users can update the configuration for each tour. To check how the SEO is configured please refer to How to configure SEO for pages?


Tours custom fields

Tours custom fields can be used to display different flags on your tour pages and distinguish descriptions used on your own website from descriptions used on 3rd party (e.g. agent) websites. Actually, only the 2 first custom fields are displayed on the website: “a1 Easy cancellation” and “a2 Product Badges”. You can find them in TourCMS PRODUCTS > TOURS > DESCRIPTIONS & IMAGES > CUSTOM FIELDS



a1 Easy Cancellation custom field

In the “a1 Easy Cancellation” you can enter “false” to remove the “Free Cancellation” message for that tour. For example, the “check mark buttonFree Cancellation” message has been removed for the “WS: Minimundus & Schiffahrt” tour.




a2 Product Badges custom field

Here you can enter one of the following codes for the “a2 Product Badges” custom field:

"SO" => __('Likely To Sell Out', 'wp_grayline_tourcms_theme')
"NT" => __('New Tour', 'wp_grayline_tourcms_theme')
"BS" => __('Bestseller', 'wp_grayline_tourcms_theme')
"ET" => __('Essential Tour', 'wp_grayline_tourcms_theme')
"MS" => __('Must See', 'wp_grayline_tourcms_theme')
"PT" => __('Private Tour', 'wp_grayline_tourcms_theme')



f29e96b9-03f3-4ff9-a727-4cead0dda0d3.png e2621ff8-b023-4f08-b872-6584346c4158.png b339c109-9808-49f6-89eb-e7e46867c4f2.png
b34a8968-0234-4a78-9ed2-7ed5a764ea47.png 8a267751-dd38-4d94-ac98-aaaf0f18f010.png fd4ad82b-efef-4a8d-811b-69b1505acdcd.png


Please note that some images may vary slightly from those shown in this article.


Data Synchronization

The following actions are currently configured to automatically update the data on the website in regular intervals.

1. Sync tours – this job is executed daily at a fixed time and it will synchronize the following TourCMS data with Wordpress

a. New tours added

b. Tours that were deleted

c. Tour data in existing tours (media, descriptions, etc.)

2. Currency JSON caching (Open Exchange Rates) - This job is executed daily at a fixed time to update currency exchange rates.

3. TourCMS URL uploads – This Job is executed daily at a fixed time to update TourCMS tour URLs