Checkout Complete Page (article)
Your checkout complete page Note: multilingual sites will have the locale in their slug for translated pages, e.g.
Translations - Multi Lingual Site (article)
If you have a multi-lingual website, you may need to translate some of the template code into your non-English language variation. To do so, login to your website, search for "...
Contact Form (article)
Contact Forms can be added to your website. We advise always using a captcha to avoid being overloaded with spam submissions. You can add / edit / remove fields on forms. You a...
Checkout Page (article)
The checkout page is very complex, and most of it is automatically generated. You do not have control over fields, or form labels. One thing you can do, however, is add in block...
Concrete5 Content Block -WYSIWYG (article)
One of the most common blocks in concrete5 is the "content" block Here you can add in images too. If you want the images to "float" to the left / right of content this is possi...
Stacks, Localisation, Global Areas (article)
Stacks are re-used blocks. They help speed up your website, and reduce duplication of content. They can be found in Stacks area via your Dashboard. Global Areas - these are ele...
PayPal Integration Client ID & Secret (article)
Prior to configuring the PayPal Payment Gateway integration, an organisation must have a PayPal business account. To retrieve the Client ID and Client Secret values required for...
Tour URLs, Custom Page Title & Meta Description Tour Pages (article)
Your tour page URL, page title and meta description are auto-generated. Tour URLs use the tour name and ID. They must remain in this format due to the special way tour pages are...
Checkout T&Cs (article)
Your checkout page T&Cs are loaded from your TourCMS account. To update, please login to TourCMS. Choose Partners > Data Quality Select Channel > Manage Update Booking Condition...
Special Offers (article)
To create a list of special offers, you must first create some special offers inside TourCMS. To do this, login to TourCMS then go to Tours > Dates & Prices Now create a special...
Tour List (article)
You can add a list of tours to a page using 'Tripeasi List' block Login to your website Go to the page you wish to edit Click + button to add in a new block Choose 'Tripeasi Lis...
Google Tour Maps (article)
On your tour pages, your maps are automatically generated from your TourCMS content, using Google Maps. Troubleshooting Are your maps not loading at all? Please see this article...
No Index on Page, Page Attributes (article)
Pages have a lot of attributes can be set. E.g. Meta info, SEO, page hiding from various places, thumbnail image etc. If you've noticed your page has "no index" meta tag, this m...
User Management, Administrators (article)
You can add in new users, edit users, delete users via your website. Add them to the group "Administrators" to allow them to admin your website. Login to your website Dashboard ...