WordPress Template for Gray Line World Wide

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated


The site editor has the power to modify the website. Therefore, any modification such as editing, deleting, enabling, or disabling (whichever is applicable) any content, pages, widgets, custom areas/configurations, plugins, SEO, etc. which may be permanent is the responsibility of the site editors. Palisis is not responsible for the recovery or reset of any data or configuration.


What does it mean?

In this article, we show you how to create pages, change the appearance, add modifications for the WordPress template used for Gray line licensees.


Where do I find it?

To access your WordPress instance and edit some aspects of your website, you need to access to your website URL followed by /wp-admin/, for example, https://grayline-live.com/wp-login.php with the provided credentials.

If you still don’t have credentials, please, contact our support team by writing an email to support@palisis.com.


What should I do?

Below is a list of articles that cover the main aspects and explain how to manage the WordPress plugin for Gray Line.

WordPress - Getting started
WordPress - Blogs / Posts
WordPress - Media Library
WordPress - Pages
WordPress - Tours pages
WordPress - How to configure SEO for pages and posts?
WordPress- GLWW Homepage
WordPress - Appearance
WordPress - How to clear the cache
WordPress - Digital Marketing
WordPress - Feefo reviews
WordPress - GDPR Cookie Consent
WordPress - Mailchimp plugin