In this article we will explain an easy way to assign different commissions for different agents depending on the classification of your products. For this, we first need to have the commission types settled and assigned to the tours. For more information, please visit our generic article about Agent commissions.
For example, let’s imagine that we have the following Commission types under Configuration -> System & setup - > Commission types:
And we want to assign:
- 15% commission for all tours for a Specific Agent
- 15% commission for HoHo Products and Transfers and 25% for Night Tour and Roadtrips for the Major OTA’S
- 15% commission for HoHo Products and Transfers and 20 % for Night Tour and Roadtrips for all other agents.
First, we will need to create 3 Commission schemes: one for all Agents in general, one for Major OTA's and another for the Specific Agent. This way later you will just adjust to each agent the commission scheme that corresponds to them.
Go to Homepage -> Configuration -> System & setup -> Commission schemes. Assign the names and click on Create a new commission scheme.
Now you can edit each scheme. Editing the commission scheme “All other Agents”, you can enter 15% for ‘Transfers’ and ‘HoHo Products’ and 20% for ‘Night tour’ and ‘Road Trips’. You can then assign this scheme to agents that have no special commission or rules.
Make sure to scroll down to Save Changes
Following the same steps, this is how the scheme for ‘Major OTA's’ would look like:
And this would be the one for ‘Specific Agent’:
Then you just need to assign each agent to a commission scheme. Go to Homepage -> Partners -> Local Agents to open Travel Agent Manager.
Here you can check if each agent has been assigned to the correct commission scheme. Click on for the Agent you'd like to assign a new scheme for and then click ‘Setup’ before scrolling down to the Net Rates / Commission section where you can assign/change the scheme as necessary.
Different commission levels for the same TourCMS tour ID for different OTAs
In some cases, you may need to assign different levels of commission for different OTAs for the same TourCMS tour ID. To do that, start by creating a Commission type in this format using the 'Note' field to specify the different commission levels for each OTA for easy reference:
Next step, create separate Commission Schemes per OTA who have various commission levels across different products.
Within each commission scheme for the specific OTA, add the respective commission % applicable for each commission type.
Last step, assign the applicable special commission type under the Agent commission type field within the Tour ID itself.
Triple check all sections of commission levels entered to make sure all match.