TourCMS allows you to create different email templates that can be sent either to your customers or to your suppliers.
Each template is set up within the channel. Therefore, in order to configure a template, access your TourCMS account > Configuration > Channels> select the corresponding channel and click on Email templates.
The system offers you a variety of email templates that can be configured. It is not necessary to create all of them, however, we suggest creating at least the following: New Booking, Confirmed Booking #1, Confirmed Booking #2, Payment Failed and Cancelled Booking #2.
The#1 templates are for external use (customers) and can be suppressed by a travel agent, e.g. higher volume travel agents will send their own confirmation. The #2 templates are internal notifications that notify you of bookings via API and cannot be suppressed by travel agent settings, meaning they will always send, regardless of how the travel agent is configured.
Let’s see an example of how to set up an email template correctly.
New booking
Email body example:
To find out about other email templates or for more information about tokens to build an email body, please check this document.
In order to learn more about email styling, we suggest consulting this article.
Confirmed booking #1
Payment failed:
Confirmed booking #2
Cancelled booking:
Email body template: