How to use the "Money (Sales Ledger)" function (article)

Susana Moleón
Susana Moleón
  • Updated

What does it mean?

Complete solution on the sales side of your business

Includes changing sales price, sales tax (both adding tax or working tax inclusive), customer payments, agent balance payments, agent commission payments (including affiliates), mandatory booking fees, deposit calculations, invoice templates and credit card fees.

  • Works over multiple currencies
  • Holds all information including reconciliation status
  • Take credit card payments from the supported payment gateways

In the sales ledger function of TourCMS, you can find reconciled and unreconciled balances that agents owe you and vice versa.


Where do I find it?

This function can be found on the Homepage under BOOKINGS > MONEY (SALES LEDGER)

On the main screen of the sales ledger, you will see:

1. The number of unrecondiled payments.

2. A link to create your own sales ledger report.

3. Direct links to several predefined reports.

4. The latest payments you owe your agents.


Below, we explain all of these points.

1. Unreconciled payments


First of all, we'll see how to reconcile a payment. Once you open an individual booking, you can add a payment by clicking on Add a new sales ledger payment/refund or under the tab Money by clicking New payment/refund.



There is a checkbox at the end that informs if the payment is or not reconciled with the bank, for reporting purposes.

We can also edit an existing payment and marck this checkbox once the payment has been reconciled for the bank.


2. Sales ledger payments search

This function allows you to create your own sales ledger report by selecting dates according to the payment or booking date, channel, reconciled or unreconciled payments and by payment or refund.



3. Sales Ledger balances and reports

3.1. Sales Ledger balances

On the left box with a black background, you can quickly access several different balances:


  • Quotation bookings with no deposit received: Here you will be able to check quotations for which a deposit has not yet been received.
  • Provisional/Confirmed with no deposit received: The same for provisional and confirmed bookings.
  • Overdue final balances: Provisional & Confirmed bookings: List of provisional and confirmed bookings for which balance due date has passed.
  • Overdue final balances: Confirmed bookings: The same but only for confirmed bookings.
  • Future final balances: Provisional & Confirmed bookings: List of provisional and confirmed bookings for which balance due date is in the future.
  • Future final balances: Confirmed bookings: The same but only for confirmed bookings.
  • Non-Zero balances but Fully paid status: list of quotations, provisional and confirmed bookings for the last 2 years which balance is non-zero (it could be a negative amount) but the booking is fully paid.
  • Check status (historical bookings): list of historical bookings which status is different than cancelled or confirmed.

3.2. Reports

Here you can find some predefined reports:


  • Money collected by staff between specific dates.

The maximum date range is 2 months.


  • Booking component value

List of bookings operated or booked in a specific date range. You can also filter by channel, tours and include or not the options.


  • Daily sales and refunds. Choose a date to see the bookings made that day, bookings that were cancelled that same day, bookings that were cancelled later and bookings cancelled that date but made before.


  • Monthly sales and refunds. Same options as above but monthly instead of daily.


  • Daily bookings by date operated. You can sort bookings by date the tours were operated or when the bookings were made. 


  • Daily bookings by agent. The same but here you can filber by agent group, agent code or agen name. You can also choose to list by who owes the balance (supplier or agent).


3.3. Display

You can also filter unpaid comissions and balances by agent, which shows the sales value and the amount due per booking.



A list of bookings with unpaid commissions is shown:




Once you click on an agent, a list of bookings with unpaid balances will be shown:
