How to reset your password (article)

Susana Moleón
Susana Moleón
  • Updated

This functionality is only available in the new backoffice design of TourCMS. You can find the link to reset your password below the “Login” button.


Once you click there, you will be asked to enter your account name and username:


Your account and username is the information you usually use for login. Example:


After that, you should click on the “Reset password” button and you will receive in your email address (the one which is associated with your username) the instructions to reset your password.



If you don’t receive the email in your inbox after a few minutes, please check in your Spam/Junk folder, this kind of notification sometimes goes directly into there. If it is not there either, then you can click on “Try again”.


If everything went well, you should have received an email like this with the subject “TourCMS Password reset”:


Once you have clicked on the “Create New Password” button you will be redirected to a new page to introduce again your account name and username:


And after entering the information and clicking on “Next step”, two new fields to enter the new password will appear. Please note that you can’t reuse an old password or your username as part of your password.


The link to reset the password will expire in 1 hour, so if you click in “Create New Password” on the email after that time you will get this error message:


How to reset the password for a user from the backoffice?

If you have permissions to manage users you will be able to reset the password for users in your organization by going to Configuration > Users. Under the “Actions” column, click on the edit icon and then “Send password reset email” and that user will receive a “TourCMS Password Reset” notification in his/her email address.

