Special Offers List (article)

Susana Moleón
Susana Moleón
  • Updated

How to Create a List of Special Offers

If you are unfamiliar with creating Tour List pages, please first read this article: https://support.tourcms.com/hc/en-us/articles/9973207609489-Tour-List-Page-Add-Edit-article-

To create a list of special offers, you must first create some special offers inside TourCMS.

To do this, login to TourCMS then go to Tours > Dates & Prices

Now create a special offer price


These will automatically appear on your website on Tour List views. You can create a special page though just for them.

Create a new Tour List page in the standard way (see here https://support.tourcms.com/hc/en-us/articles/9973207609489-Tour-List-Page-Add-Edit-article-

When you are editing the Tour List block, choose "Special Offer" and tick the checkbox.

