All about "Named tickets"

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

Where do I find it?



What does it mean?

Traditionally, in tours and activities bookings, particularly with day tours, only the lead passenger's name was collected when booking. "Named Tickets" relates to the increasing requirement attractions have to know the exact names for each ticket sold; increasingly, traveller names are verified against ID on arrival.

In the TourCMS API the implementation of support for "Named Tickets" includes the following:

  • An indication before booking as to whether "Named Tickets" are expected
  • Provision for associating customers with tickets at the point of booking
  • Viewing which customers are associated with which tickets post-booking

Additionally, some other areas of TourCMS respect "Named Tickets":

  • TourCMS standard hosted voucher will display one ticket per customer with their name on
  • Users in the TourCMS Back office booking screen can see which customers are associated with which tickets

If you use the TourCMS API and need insights on managing 'Named Tickets' products, explore this link for helpful guidance.


What should I do?

You must go to PRODUCTS > SETUP > navigate to the BOOKING SIZES / RESTRICTIONS tab and select ‘Yes’ if the product requires ‘Named tickets’.

You must also inform API consumers which fields are required to make a booking. However, bookings will not be declined if the information is not provided.

API consumers, including OTAs, agencies offering your products via the TourCMS API, and even your own website if integrated with TourCMS, may need to implement adjustments to facilitate the sale of products that involve 'Named Tickets'.

For more information about the right approach and how to make the bookings associating each customer with the ticket purchased, please visit this link.


How is the booking?

The booking will show every ticket with the customer data provided:


You can delete each passenger just by clicking on the waste bin icon, and the sale quantity of the component will be reduced.

If you need to update customer information, you can click on the 'Edit' icon next to each customer's name, or access the CUSTOMERS tab to make the necessary adjustments.



How is the voucher?

The voucher presents every ticket QR code with the customer information:



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