Where do I find it?
What does it mean?
This is an improvement to webhooks allowing prices from TourCMS (API bookings) to be overridden with the corresponding prices configured in Palisis according to the mapping.
What should I do?
You can add the additional parameter usePalisisPrice at the end of the asynchronous booking webhook URL:
usePalisisPrice=true -> It preserves Palisis price over TourCMS one.
usePalisisPrice=false -> It keeps the TourCMS price.
For example, consider a tour in TourCMS with a set price:
Here is the corresponding product mapped in Palisis with a different price:
By adding the parameter ?usePalisisPrice=true to the end of the webhook URL. To do this, go to CONFIGURATION > SYSTEM & SETUP > Booking Webhooks.
Then, edit the asynchronous webhook and add the parameter at the end:
Then, the bookings in Palisis will display the Palisis price.
However, if you remove the parameter ?usePalisisPrice=true, the bookings will instead show the TourCMS price.