How to configure the ticket/voucher delivery format for tours

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

Where do I find it?







What does it mean?

The OCTO integration requires predefined formats for delivering barcodes and vouchers. So, we have added various configuration options within TourCMS tours, allowing API-consumed users to specify delivery formats in advance.


What should I do?

To provide API consumers with this information, navigate to PRODUCTS > TOURS > SETUP > OPERATIONS / SUPPLIER tab and select the appropriate options:



Ticket/voucher format

Give agents and other API consumers an indication of the voucher format(s) that will be provided to bookers. Barcodes should either be provided by a subsystem or uploaded using the TourCMS barcode upload feature.

  • QR Code
  • Code 128 barcode
  • PDF link (application/pdf)
  • Web page link (text/html)

Ticket/voucher quantity

Give agents and other API consumers an indication of whether this product's ticket/voucher/barcodes are provided once per person/ticket or booking. Per ticket uploads must either be uploaded to TourCMS or provided by a subsystem.

  • Not selected
  • Per person/ticket: one barcode per person/ticket in the booking.
  • Per tour: one barcode per tour.
  • Per booking: one barcode per booking, regardless of how many tours are booked.

Ticket/voucher redemption method

Provide information about the redemption/check-in process for the tour.

  • Not selected
  • Manifest - Manual process: turn up and give your name.
  • Digital - The voucher/ticket will be scanned but will not need to be printed.
  • Print - The voucher/ticket must be printed and presented on arrival.

All this information is included in the response of the Show Tour API method.