Customer Extra Fields (article)

Susana Moleón
Susana Moleón
  • Updated

Sometimes you require some information more specific or extra details about your customers, but the token is not created in our general token list. What should you do in this case? You can create customer extra data fields to collect the extra details you need.

Extra fields can be configured to be added to each customer. Tokens for these extra fields can be configured within Configuration > System & Setup > Extra customer data fields.

You will see the standard data fields which you want to activate and the field where you can create extra data fields to collect additional information about your customer.


You need to click on “Create a new content field” and you will be forwarded to another section where you have to enter the necessary information:

  • A title for the token
  • Tick to activate it/Untick to inactivate it
  • Choose “Read only” or “Hidden” the token for the tour leader or supplier view
  • Enter the specific token you would like to generate for RTF files or email templates
  • Choose the field type and size of the box where the customer will enter the required information by this token in the booking engine.


The text lines and multi.line textareas set the size of the box. The numeric type only allows entering numbers. The date type shows the date format with a calendar to choose the date or you can enter the date manually in the box. The drop-down set a list of different options separated by commas.


Single text line (medium):


Multi-line (textarea) medium:








In addition, you need to set the extra data field for every channel you have in your account. You can set different label names depending on the channel. Also, you can configure the token as a mandatory field, choose if you want to show it in the booking engine and set it up only for the lead customer.


Don’t forget to save the changes! Once the extra data field has been configured, two tokens (lead customer and customer table) are generated to use them for RTFs or email templates.


Finally, you can create different extra data fields and activate or inactive them whenever you want and you can give them the order you want.
