Tour “Rate Types”
Rate types are an important part of a Tour setup, you can manage them going to Homepage > Tours, then clicking on SETUP and Rate Types is the last tab. They provide a way of loading multiple price (or cost) tiers on products loaded as standard Tours within TourCMS. Examples of this include:
- Offering a different price for children or older aged customers
- Offering an upgraded level of service/comfort at a different price
We can create Multiple rates in case we want to offer different prices for each rate (Adults, children, etc,) or we can assign a different price depending upon the number of people in the booking, in that case, we have to select the option Quantity based pricing.
Tour group pricing
This option allows you to create prices per person (Price per person) or by the whole group instead of by the person (Price x 1). By default Price per person is selected.
Multiple rates - Step by step
The following example will run through creating a Tour with Adult, Child and Senior prices. As a default, TourCMS has a single rate type - however you can, for tour departures, load up to 10 different rate types. This will enable you to handle types such as Adult, Child, Concession etc. On the tour setup you can set up extra rates:
- Head to Tours/Hotels and create a new Tour (if it doesn't already exist)
- Click Setup for the new Tour
- Under the Rate types tab you will see the following:
By default as we mentioned before there is always one Rate type, however it doesn't have a name or label by default (TourCMS just displays the translated "Number of people" label). What we want to do is give this default Rate type a name, a label for customers to see and then repeat for our others.
4. Still on the Rate types tab we will do the following:
- On the first line enter "Adult rate", "Adults" and maybe an indication of the adult age range so "(16 to 64)"
- Tick the box to enable the second Rate type, name it "Child rate", enter "Children" and "(2 to 15)"
- Repeat for the third Rate type, name it "Senior rate", enter "Seniors" and "(65 plus)"
- Save changes
Once you have added extra rate types, additional price boxes will display on the tour departure price/date editing section. You can choose to either use label #2 for a second description of the rate (that is shown to users) or perhaps to give an indicative price (the actual price will be set by what is loaded on each departure)
5. Head to Dates & Prices for the Tour, when you initially create new Departures or Freesale Seasons you will only see one price box and one cost box, however, once you have saved the Departure/Freesale Season you can edit it and add prices/costs for each of your Rate types.
6. Now when the customer goes to booki the tour they will be able to choose how many adults, children and seniors they wish to book, being charged accordingly.
You can use this option if you have pricing that depends upon the number of people in the booking - e.g.
- 1 - 200 GBP per person
- 2-3 150 GBP per person
- 4-6 130 GBP per person
To turn on quantity based pricing go to tour setup (for the tour), rates tab, turn on quantity based pricing.
You can then load prices (and supplier costs) for between 1 and 50 people on a booking (departures) or 1 and 10 (freesale). If there are more than 50 (or 10) people on a booking the 50+/10+ price will be used. You can set the maximum people per booking up in the Booking sizes tab.
The prices are loaded in the Dates & Prices section, so once you have selected the Quantity based pricing option, you need to introduce the price information for each person in the booking. In our example, the maximum number of people in a booking is 10, so you need to complete all the fields from the person number 1 until the number 10. Note: If you have activated the supplier costs in your account (Configuration & setup -> Tours general settings -> Show costs) then you'll see the Supplier cost column, otherwise this column won't appear.
In Dates & Prices -> 1 day tour/activity generator
For quantity based pricing for more than 50 people then you have to use options e.g. large group discount or you could, like for tailor made tours, edit prices within a booking (once received).
Example #1
Maximum number of people per booking is 3. The more people are in a booking the lower is the price per person.
Then, in the section Dates & Prices -> 1 day tour/activity generator
Price loaded for 1: 100 GBP
Price loaded for 2: 90 GBP
Price loaded for 3: 80 GBP
2 people on a booking, 2 x 90 GBP = 180 GBP
3 people on a booking, 3 x 80 GBP = 240 GBP
Example #2
Maximum number of people per booking is 3. The more people are in a booking the lower is the price per the whole group.
In this example, it's necessary to set the Tour group pricing as Price x 1, which means that the price is for the whole group.
Then, in the section Dates & Prices -> 1 day tour/activity generator
Price loaded for 1: 100 GBP
Price loaded for 2: 180 GBP
Price loaded for 3: 240 GBP
i.e. you can load the final calculated price rather than the per person price
Example #3
Maximum number of people per booking is 3 and third person goes free (3x2 offer). Again we need to use the x 1 rule:
Then, in the section Dates & Prices -> 1 day tour/activity generator
Price loaded for 1: 120 GBP
Price loaded for 2: 200 GBP
Price loaded for 3: 200 GBP
i.e. third person goes free!