This article explains how to configure and apply booking fees in TourCMS. The system allows you to set up booking fees on a per channel basis.
Access your TourCMS account > Configuration > Channel > Sale prices, deposits & booking fees > Booking fees
First of all, if you want to charge a booking fee, you need to enable it. The next step is to select one of the fee types. By default, the system will apply ‘fixed amount per booking’.
When you decide to charge a booking fee, you have the option to choose whether it will be paid by the customer or the supplier. If you select “Fee value (sale)”, the customer will pay the fee. If you choose “Fee value (cost)”, the fee will be borne by the supplier.
Let’s see some of the possibilities TourCMS offers when you combine the booking fee type with sale or cost value.
- Fee value (sale):
- Fixed amount per booking
The customer pays the fee which remains 1€ despite having 2 passengers.
- Fixed amount per person
The customer pays the fee that is doubled by the number of passengers.
- Percentage of sale value
The fee is calculated based on a percentage of the sale price total.
- Fee value (cost):
By selecting fee value (cost), the supplier will pay the booking fee. You can choose whcih supplier is responsible:
The supplier has to pay the fee while the customer pays the sale price.
Additionally, TourCMS allows you to set up a commission for agents.
If you select fee value (sale), the agent commission will apply to the whole price including the booking fee.
If you select fee value (cost), the commission will be calculated from the sale price, not including the booking fee.
If you are using“Percentage of sale value”, the booking fee will be calculated once the agent commission has been deducted from the sale price.
For example: A 10% agent commission is deducted from 15€, which brings the price to 13,5€. Since we have set the fee as 10% of the sale value, the booking fee will be calculated from 13,5€, not 15€.
In order to check the booking fee for suppliers as well as agent commission, go to your Booking > Money > Outgoings: